
Nörometrik, Biyometrik Yöntemler ve Kullanıcı Deneyimi

Kullanıcı deneyimi alanı için yeni bir yöntem setini temsil eden bu başlık altındaki çalışmalar; nörometrik ve biyometrik yöntemler ile geleneksel kullanıcı deneyimi araştırama yöntemlerinin entegre olarak kullanıldığı çoklu-yöntem yaklaşımı merkezli çalışmaları içerir.
Anasayfa / Biz Kimiz / Yayınlarımız / Nörometrik, Biyometrik Yöntemler ve Kullanıcı Deneyimi

Çakar, T., Rızvanoğlu, K., Özturk, Ö., Çelik, D. Z., ve İ. Gürvardar, “The Use of Neurometric and Biometric Research Methods in Understanding the User Experience During Product Search of First-Time Buyers in E-Commerce”, Design, User Experience, and Usability: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10288, ed. A. Marcus ve W. Wang, Proc. of Int. Conference of Design, User Experience, and Usability: DUXU 2017 held as part of 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: HCII 2017, 1-21, Springer, Cham, Heidelberg, Vancouver, 2017.

Understanding user experience (UX) during e-commerce has been a relatively important research area especially in the last decade. The use of conventional methods in UX such as task-observation, in-depth interviews and questionnaires has already contributed for the measurement of the efficiency and effectiveness. 

Rızvanoğlu, K., Öztürk, O. ve B. Kara, “What Ads Say, What Audience Gets? From Semiotics to Eye Tracking, A Multi‐Method Approach for the Analysis of the Audience’s Perception of Advertisements”, Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on New Media and Interactivity, 12-18, Istanbul, 2010.

Rızvanoğlu, K., Öztürk, O. ve B. Kara, “What Ads Say, What Audience Gets? From Semiotics to Eye Tracking, A Multi‐Method Approach for the Analysis of the Audience’s Perception of Advertisements”, Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on New Media and Interactivity, 12-18, Istanbul, 2010.

Rızvanoğlu, K. ve Ö. Öztürk, “What are Users Really Looking At in News Portals?: An Eye‐Tracking Study on the Homepage Usability of Popular Turkish News Portals”, Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on New Media and Interactivity, 449-454, Istanbul, 2010.

There's a growing interest towards mobile commerce in recent years. This pilot study, which is the first step of an extensive long-term research, investigated mobile usability in mobile "private shopping" applications. Focusing on three different private shopping applications / mobile sites in Turkey, a qualitative mobile usability test, based on a multi-method approach, was carried out with a sample of 11 Turkish senior year university students, who were experienced mobile Internet users and potential customers of private shopping platforms.  


Rızvanoğlu, K. ve Ö. Öztürk, “A Close Look at the Phenomenon: An Eye‐Tracking Study on Social Network Site Usability”, Proc. of the 7th International Conference of Interactive Media Design, İstanbul, 2010.

Graphical statistics plays a very important job in research and industry. As a statistician, it is very useful that if one can see how people make their decision based on the plots, so that plots can be improved for better performance. With the help of eye-tracking equipment, researchers could show people several plots and ask a question on each, then track the person’s eyes to see how they going through the plots to come to their answer. In this paper, the process and results of an experiment on watching what people were looking at in statistical plots will be discussed. This experiment is part of a larger experiment studying decision making and signal strength in statistical graphics, that uses Amazon’s Mechanical Turk.

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